Armenian Genocide news from diaspora in France and Argentina

May 31, 2010

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It is a national holiday and time to honor the war veterans who served to protect and defend the United States in wars. Yesterday, in France, a Khachkar commemorating the victims of the Armenian Genocide was inaugurated in Versailles, France. Armenian-French singer, Charles Aznavour unveiled the Khachkar at the ceremony. In France, on April 24th French-Armenians remember not only all those who lost their lives during the Armenian Genocide, but also all the Armenians who gave their lives for France in war.

The US and France have the largest Armenian populations in the Armenian diaspora.  In Argentina, home of the third largest population of Armenians (descendants of Armenian Genocide survivors), protests to prevent a bust of Kemal Ataturk from being erected in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city, were successful leading to Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan canceling his visit to Argentina.

Many Armenians from Marash live in Argentina. My grandfather was from Marash (he eventually settled in New York). He survived the massacre carried out by Kemal Ataturk in 1920. Not only does Turkey deny the Genocide, the Turkish Government also asserts that Ataturk was not responsible for any of the massacres. However, that is not true.

Read the related articles in the news:

Khachkar commemorating Armenian Genocide victims unveiled in Versailles
Public Radio of Armenia | May 31, 2010

Erdogan cancels visit to Argentina: Kemal Ataturk bust not to be erected in Buenos Aires | May 31, 2010