Destruction and loss of family as a legacy of the Armenian Genocide

February 13, 2010

Reading Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide (the book by Donald E. Miller and Lorna Touryan Miller) this morning, I reflected on the heart-wrenching realities of families torn apart throughout Turkey. In many cases, survivors did not know what happened to members of their family. Their minds haunted by the memories of separation from a parent or child or sibling, they carried hope in their hearts. Both of my maternal grandparents families share this legacy of loss.

My maternal great grandmother’s family (Mesrobian) were marched to the desert (Der Zor). Her son, my grandfather Karnig, knew of only one relative from her family who survived. While every Armenian survivor’s thoughts would most understandably be with immediate family, first and foremost, I now wonder about surviving members of our extended families. My grandfather mentioned we had family that settled in Beirut and Boston. Who are they? Where are they now?

In my travels on Google today, I came across these sites:

(If you know better sites for Armenian Genealogy, please comment on this blog post or email me at

(I don’t know these families, but liked their site’s homepage—it may give you ideas for creating your own family site, too.)

(A nice blog.)