Exhibit of Armenian architects contributions in Istanbul

December 13, 2010

This is a remarkable and historic development in Turkey. The exhibit runs through January 2, 2011:

Istanbul’s Armenian architects remembered in exhibition
Hurriyet | December 9, 2010

This news reminded me of a conversation I had with the daughter of an Armenian man born in Istanbul in 1898. Her father was the architect for the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs in Bayside, New York. His name was Manoug Exerjian. Manoug’s daughter told me that when her dad was a young man, he was awarded first place in an architectural competition for his design of a mosque in Istanbul. However, when it was discovered that Manoug was Armenian, the prize was rescinded. Not long after that, his family sent their beloved son away from Turkey to save him from suffering the same fate as over 1 million of his Armenian brethren, who lost their lives in the Armenian Genocide.

© Sheri Jordan and Aunt Sheri Says, 2009-2010.