Haunting echoes of Armenian Genocide in Darfur

May 12, 2010

The Armenian community faces many challenges, but we are a strong people and we are survivors. As we strive to gain more official government recognition of the Armenian Genocide, it is also incumbent upon us to fight the crime of genocide and help victims of all genocides.

American actress Mia Farrow is a champion of civil rights. She speaks out about the ongoing genocide in Darfur and seeks support from all of us. She recently shared her first-hand knowledge of the atrocities in Darfur with Armenians in Cambridge, Massachussetts. In addition to reading the article, please visit her website (see links below):

Mia Farrow Shares Darfur Experience at Holy Trinity
The Armenian Mirror-Spectator | May 10, 2010


Akcam and Boyajian on Point on Armenian Genocide Denial

May 11, 2010

This post includes two important articles both dealing with egregious cases of Armenian Genocide denial:

Turkish Scholar Taner Akcam Advocates Change in Policy of Genocide Denial
Panorama.am | May 5, 2010

Desecrating President Woodrow Wilson’s Legacy
Keghart.com | May 6, 2010

Reflections upon the Armenian Genocide on a Windy Night and Mother’s Day

May 9, 2010

Last night, I accompanied two of my mom’s friends to a screening of Hove, The Wind, a short film about the Armenian Genocide. We all thought the movie was very well done. (It stars Olympia Dukakis and Shirleyann Kaladjian.)

Incredibly, it was an unusually windy night in New York (so windy, that fallen trees closed off main roads and caused power outages throughout the area). The coincidence of the windy night was only one of two during our evening together. The other incident occurred during dinner. About midway through our meal, the American waitress serving us asked if we speak Armenian. She had been listening to our conversation about the genocide and told us her grandmother is also an Armenian Genocide survivor. As we continued talking with her, she revealed that she is fluent speaking, reading and writing both Armenian and Classic Armenian. When I told her about the book project I’m developing about the Armenian Genocide, she offered to help with translating Armenian for me. These events are just two of the wonderful examples of the signs encouraging me to press forward with my work writing the stories of Armenian Genocide survivors.

As today is Mother’s Day in the US, I also thought about how proud my grandfather’s mother, Mary Mesrobian Kalpakian, would be if she could have lived to see her son’s accomplishments and his contributions to the Armenian community in New York area. As I’ve immersed myself in Armenian Genocide literature, including oral histories and scholarly research, I find myself day-dreaming about what my grandfather witnessed and having nightmares about his mother’s and sisters’ fates. This blog and my intended book are in honor of the memory of my great-grandmother and her daughters, my grandfather, and every Armenian who suffered in the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath.

Surpouhi Torosian — Grandma Suzi: An American from the heartland shares his late mother-in-law’s Armenian Genocide legacy

May 7, 2010

David Cartter: Ancestor survived Armenian genocide
Wisconsin State Journal | May 6, 2010

The Politics of Genocide

May 7, 2010

Pushing the Pentagon to Prevent Genocide
Wired.com | May 4, 2010

Call to Action: Read, Write to Congress, Forward (Rep. Schiff publishing Armenian Genocide family histories in Congressional Record)

May 6, 2010

Rep. Schiff Launches Armenian Genocide Congressional Record Campaign—Calls on survivors and their families to document stories and memories of the genocide
Asbarez.com | May 5, 2010

Take Action:

  1. Read this important article
  2. Write to the Congressman Schiff’s office (See the article for where to send your Armenian Genocide-related family history and your gratitude to Rep. Schiff)
  3. Forward this post to every Armenian you know

There has never been a time in our history like this moment, so carpe diem (translation: Seize the day)!

Judge Ümit Kardaş’ Op Ed Piece in Turkey’s Today’s Zaman

May 5, 2010

Do we have to defend the actions of the Committee of Union and Progress? by Ümit Kardaş
Today’s Zaman | May 2, 2010

I also suggest reading the related article which brought Judge Kardas’ Op Ed piece to my attention:


[Thank you to my friend Joyce for finding this article.]

Every Armenian owes a debt of gratitude to Richard Kloian, an ordinary hero

May 5, 2010

Let this man’s life serve as a reminder that one man can make a difference:

Richard Kloian, 73, pioneering Armenian Genocide educator, passes away
The Armenian Reporter | May 5, 2010

Another call for the US to right its wrong foreign policy and recognize the Armenian Genocide

May 4, 2010

“As the wholesale killings and deportations of Armenians were being unleashed, Leslie A. Davis, the US Consul posted in the remote Turkish town of Harput, sent a US diplomatic dispatch to Washington, D.C. dated July 24, 1915 stating:

‘I do not believe there has ever been a massacre in the history of the world so general and thorough as that which is now being perpetrated in this region.’

While the word ‘genocide’ was not in existence in 1915, Consul Davis called the killings a ‘general massacre’ and American Ambassador to Turkey Henry Morgenthau labeled the events ‘murder of a nation’.”

Read the full article:

History at the forefront of current US foreign policy
EurActiv.com | May 4, 2010

* * *

For more background, read these important books:

  1. Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, by Henry Morgenthau
  2. The Slaughterhouse Province: An American Diplomat’s Report on the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1917, by Leslie A. Davis

Retired military judge Ümit Kardaş suggests Turks condemn actions of “Young Turk” government

May 3, 2010

More Turks call for reassessment of Armenian genocide
Huliq | May 3, 2010

[Note: If any readers have Ümit Kardaş’ essay from the May 2nd issue of Today’s Zaman, please email the link or a copy of the article to: armeniangenocide@ymail.com. Thank you.]

May 5, 2010:  Thank you to my friend Joyce for finding and sending the link. Follow this link to read Ümit Kardaş’ Op Ed piece:
